Continuous Improvements Policy and Procedures

 Continuous Improvements Policy and Procedures


This Policy was written July 2017 by the Business Manager and will be reviewed and updated July 2019 by the Business Manager



To continuously provide an excellent level of service consistently bring maintained and improved with client and staff member feedback.



Employees and contractors of AIM Occupational Therapy



AIM Occupational Therapy prides themselves on continuously providing an excellent level of service consistently bring maintained and improved with client and staff member feedback. All client and staff member feedback will be recorded for management to utilise. All clients and staff members providing feedback will feel valued and informed their feedback can remain anonymous and will be used to continuously improve our services



  • All staff will be aware of how Complaints are managed
  • All clients will be made aware of the existence of this Policy and the fact they have the right to independent and external advocacy and of appeal to HADSCO as part of the Terms and Conditions part of the on-line client information form
  • All feedback from clients will be noted on the relevant spreadsheets and followed up immediately
  • All staff members will display as part of their email signatures, the email is re-directed to the Business Manager’s email address and will be responded to and followed up within 24 hours
  • Following the completion of all individual and group sessions, families will be invited to fill in a “Client Satisfaction Form”. All forms will be read and followed up by management. Management will add responses and actions to a running spreadsheet of feedback
  • All staff member inductions will be followed up with a staff feedback form titled “Feedback Following Induction”. All forms will be read and followed up by the management. Management will add responses and actions to a running spreadsheet of feedback
  • 10 SMS’ will be sent to random clients each week by the CS Manger inviting them to rate their satisfaction with the service they received. Management will add responses and actions to a running spreadsheet of feedback
  • All clients not completing the recommended block of therapy will be contacted via phone and encouraged to provide any feedback. Management will add responses and actions to a running spreadsheet of feedback

Grievance or Dispute Between Employee and Employer Procedure

  • A meeting between both parties will be conducted to discuss and resolve the dispute. Alternatively, a written statement of the grievance or dispute may be written by the employee. The employer shall then provide a written response as soon as reasonably practical.
  • If the grievance or dispute remains unresolved after sub clause 1 above has been complied with, either party may refer the grievance or dispute to an agreed third party for the purpose of mediation.
  • If the grievance or dispute remains unresolved after sub clauses 1 and 2 have been complied with, either party may refer to the grievance or dispute arbitration. The arbitrator shall be a person nominated by Chamber of Commerce and industry of WA.


National Standards Policy Refers to

  • Standard 1: Rights
  • Standard 2: Participation and inclusion
  • Standard 3: Individual Outcomes
  • Standard 4: Feedback and complaints
  • Standard 5: Service Access
  • Standard 6: Service Management

January School Holiday Group Programs