Child Psychologists

AIM Psychology provides assessment and therapy for goals related to mental wellbeing for young children all the way through to young adults. We offer brief and comprehensive assessment dependent upon needs. Cognitive assessments are also provided. Individual and group therapy to achieve goals in the following areas is provided:

  • resilience
  • anxiety and separation anxiety
  • depression
  • bullying
  • managing anger and other big emotions
  • feeling shy or withdrawn
  • grief and loss
  • school avoidance
  • underachievement at school
  • social/friendship issues
  • self-image/confidence
  • family relationships
  • trouble sleeping/nightmares
  • emotional regulation
  • toileting

Cognitive assessment can assist to diagnose giftedness or intellectual disability; as well as providing appropriate documentation for schools and the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Relevant services available include:

  • Counselling for educational and developmental issues
  • Intervention programs for attentional, learning, and behavioural issues

AIM Psychologists ensure therapy sessions are fun! by tailoring sessions to children and young people’s interests and needs. AIM Psychologists enjoy working collaboratively as part of holistic care management. They have a passion for improving the quality of life and future outcomes for individuals and families with goals related to mental wellbeing.

Parenting strategies

The first rule of caring for your child’s emotional or behaviour struggles is that there are no rules. Parenthood doesn’t come with a manual and there will be a lot…
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Every child is different. Some kids are ready for toilet training at about 18 months, while some kids are not ready for longer. If you have concerns around toileting issues…
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Emotional regulation

We all have times when we have big feelings such as anger or worry. These feelings can be hard to manage and can result in us acting in ways that…
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Cognitive Assessments

AIM Therapy are now offering Cognitive IQ assessments for children between the ages of 6 to 16 years of age. Cognitive assessments are used to determine the intellectual functioning of…
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Trouble sleeping/nightmares

Sleep is so vital to our wellbeing that if something starts to go wrong and continues to go wrong, it can cause lots of social problems, poor school marks and…
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Family relationships

Most families go through difficult times and experience occasional conflict. However, sometimes these problems can become overwhelming. Signs of family relationship issues include: Frequent arguing Disagreements Breakdown in communication Angry…
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The signs of low self-image and confidence may vary from one child to the next and even from one situation to the next. Children especially experience low self-esteem in situations…
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Social / friendship issues

Having friends improves wellbeing, attitudes to learning and academic performance. For many children, making and keeping friends is quite effortless, but for some it is a challenge. The following lists…
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Underachievement at school

Underachievement is the unanticipated difference between accomplishment and ability.  Underachievement is a very complex situation with many possible interwoven causes. Among the areas to explore are:        …
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School Refusal Therapy

School Avoidance School avoidance is not uncommon and your child may complain of not feeling well, with vague, unexplainable symptoms. While you might try to manage school refusal on your…
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Grief and Loss

It can sometimes be difficult to see when a child is grieving. Children process and display complex emotions differently than adults. However, that doesn’t mean the grief is not happening…
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Feeling shy/withdrawn

A degree of shyness is normal whenever social expectations are new or ambiguous. Shyness begins to emerge as a problem if it becomes not merely situational but dispositional (especially if…
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Anger and other big emotions

It is not uncommon for children to have meltdowns or occasionally lash out if they’re frustrated. But if your child can’t control their tempers a lot of the time, it…
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Changes in mood, behaviour and physical appearance can all be warning signs that your child is being bullied, however, some children may not display any warning signs at all. Possible…
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It is common for children to feel sad and down sometimes. But having depression is more than just being sad. Depression can stop kids enjoying the things they normally like…
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Anxiety and separation anxiety

All children experience some amount of anxiety at times. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, and sometimes it helps them deal with overwhelming situations. You may notice that anxiety…
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Building resilience — the ability to adapt well to adversity — can help our children manage stress and feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. The good news is that resilience skills…
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Mental Wellbeing

When it comes to wellbeing, evidence shows that healthy relationships are important for healthy mental wellbeing. Building stronger connections in your child’s life can increase their feelings of happiness and…
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September School Holiday Group Programs