Occupational Therapy Pre-Primary Referral Guidelines

If a number of difficulties are exhibited in the following areas, and are interfering with the child’s ability to perform at an age appropriate level within the pre-primary environment, an…
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Occupational Therapy Kindergarten Referral Guidelines

If a number of difficulties are exhibited in the following areas, and are interfering with the child’s ability to perform at an age appropriate level within the kindergarten environment, an…
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5-7 Year olds

Occupational Therapy for 5, 6 and 7 Years Old  If a number of difficulties are exhibited in the following areas, and are interfering with the child’s ability to perform at…
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8-12 Year Olds

Occupational Therapy for 8 to 12 Years Old If a number of difficulties are exhibited in the following areas, and are interfering with the child’s ability to perform at an…
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