4 years
At 4 years children can usually…
- answer most questions about daily tasks
- understand most wh-questions, including those about a story they have recently heard
- understand some numbers
- show an awareness that some words start or finish with the same sounds.
- use words, such as ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’, to make longer sentences
- describe recent events, such as morning routines
- ask lots of questions
- use personal pronouns (e.g., he/ she, me/you) and negations (e.g., don’t/can’t)
- count to five and name a few colours
Speech Pathology Australia. (2019) Communication Milestones. [online] Available https://www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au [Accessed 29th July 2019]
If you would like more information or if you are concerned about your child feel free to call AIM Therapy on 6150 8339 or email reception@aimtherapy.com.au for more information about how our services may help. We look forward to hearing from you.