
Too many children exit therapy services without achieving their goals. AIM Therapy aims to change that, we are committed to helping your child achieve their goals! If you have any queries about your child’s therapy sessions we want to hear so we can help them get back on the road to achieving their goals.

Your child’s therapy sessions will target the goals created as part of the assessment process.  AIM Therapy strongly supports goal based therapy. The sessions may be 30, 45 or 60 minutes. They may be temporary (6 or 10 sessions) or ongoing (weekly or fortnightly). A home program/ activity ideas is also usually recommended by your Therapist to be carried out in conjunction with therapy sessions in order to maximise success of therapy.

You are welcome, and encouraged, to attend the sessions with your child but it is not compulsory. If you would like to drop your child off at the commencement of the session please be sure to return 5 minutes before the end of the session in order to hear feedback regarding the session and ideas for home. Parents of adolescents are welcome to attend the first couple of sessions if it is preferred but then it is recommended that the session is held with just the adolescent and therapist. Possible areas of therapy and more information on each can be found by hovering over each discipline on the top menu.

April School Holiday Group Programs