AIM Therapy are now offering Cognitive IQ assessments for children between the ages of 6 to 16 years of age.

Cognitive assessments are used to determine the intellectual functioning of children and adolescents by providing an approximation of their ability to learn, understand, and solve problems. Identifying individual areas of cognitive strength and weakness can be valuable in understanding how your child processes information. This unique cognitive profile can be used to inform what treatments and/or supports may facilitate optimal learning and development, at both home and school. Results may also be useful in providing support for certain diagnoses

At AIM Therapy our full cognitive assessment package for child or adolescent involves the following.

  • Parent/Caregiver Consultation
  • Cognitive IQ Assessment using the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V A & NZ)
  • Review of school reports, supplementary material, and liaison with teachers and other health professionals as required
  • Comprehensive Report Preparation
  • 30-minute Parent Feedback Consultation Session

Please contact AIM Therapy for Children for further information including fees and availability to book.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC- V A&NZ)?

The WISC-V A&NZ is an individually administered standardised test for Australian and New Zealand children between the ages of 6 and 16 which assesses the child’s intellectual ability. The Fifth Edition is the most current version of the WISC and is a reliable measure of child intellectual functioning. The WISC-V A&NZ generates a Full-Scale IQ which represents the child’s general intellectual ability, and provides five primary index scores which represent a child’s ability in discrete cognitive domains.

How long will the Cognitive Assessment take and what should my child expect?

At AIM therapy we book out a 2-hour timeslot with our Psychologist to complete the assessment to cater for differing child’s needs. Typically, the WISC-V takes between 45 and 90 minutes to complete, however we allow additional time to engage the child prior to assessment to ensure they are comfortable with the assessor as parents do not sit in/stay in the room of the assessment; as well as allowing for short breaks between tasks, as needed. If the assessment cannot be completed within the 2-hour timeslot or requires to be completed on a subsequent day, additional charges at our session rate will apply.

Your child should expect to complete a range of ‘activities’ both using an interactive iPad format and some tasks including arranging blocks, and pencil and paper. We ask that you refrain from telling your child that this is a assessment, and rather that you suggest to them that they will be completing activities that will help understand them better and that they are to try their best.  Please also bring a water bottle and a light snack (i.e. fruit) which can be provided to the child at the half-way point of the assessment. Please remember to ensure that if your child requires the use of glasses/hearing aids that these are brought and used by the child during the session to ensure that this does not impact their ability on the assessment.

What will be included in the report? How long before I receive the results/report?

The comprehensive report will include the results, provide interpretations, and provide recommendations, include relevant background information and information from external sources, and behavioural observations to complete your child’s comprehensive cognitive profile.

Please allow upwards of 4-weeks for completion of the assessment report. Please discuss with the staff at AIM Therapy if the report is required sooner and if accommodations can be made.

Will Medicare, Private Health Insurance, or NDIS rebate costs associated with the assessment?

In the majority of circumstances both Medicare or private health funds do not typically offer rebates for psychological assessments including Cognitive IQ Assessments. Please contact Medicare or your private health fund to clarify whether you may be eligible for rebates.

NDIS may cover the cost of Cognitive IQ Assessments. Please consult your NDIS plan or contact your NDIS consultant to clarify eligibility.

My child has done a previous cognitive assessment before, can they complete another assessment?

We would ask that you provide any previous assessment documentation results to your psychologist prior to the assessment. Typically, we will not administer a cognitive assessment if an assessment has been administered in the past 2 years. In certain circumstances it may be applicable to complete an assessment even within 2-years of a previous assessment. Please contact AIM Therapy to discuss further.

My child is non-verbal/has difficulty speaking – do you offer a non-verbal assessment option?

At AIM Therapy for Children we endeavor to be inclusive of all children and parents however at present we do not have access to non-verbal IQ assessment equipment and testing kits. This may be an area that we will be looking to expand in the future.

My child is under 6 years of age or over 16 years of age – do you offer assessments in these age ranges?

At AIM Therapy for Children we do not presently have capacity to access children under the age of 6 years or over 16 years of age. This may be an area that we

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