Hand & Finger Strengthening Ideas: Pegs

Resistive tools such as clips and clothes pegs are helpful tools to develop and strengthen the muscles of the fingers. While using these tools, ensure that the thumb-finger circle is ’round’ by keeping your thumb and index finger bent.

Help peg the clothes on the lineHand and Finger Strength Activities Help Peg Engineering challenge: Build a structure with craft sticks/toothpicks and pegs or binder clips. Hand and Finger Strength Activities engineering
Matching fun: Match the number of pegs according to the number label. Try writing numbers or letters onto wooden clothes pegs and match them to word, alphabet or number flash cards. Hand and Finger Strength Activities Matching fun Peg painting: Peg cotton balls, porn porns or small sponges and paint with them. Hand and Finger Strength Activities Peg painting
Sorting fun: Sort small items such as porn porns according to their colour or type using pegs. Hand and Finger Strength Activities Sorting fun Squeeze onto the edge of a can: Pinch clothes pegs and attach them to an edge of a can, cups or something similar. Hand and Finger Strength Activities Squeeze onto the edge


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September School Holiday Group Programs