Human Resources and Occupational Health and Safety Policy

This Policy was written July 2017 by the Business Manager and will be reviewed and updated July 2019 by the Business Manager


This policy:

  • shows the commitment of AIM Occupational Therapy’s management and staff to health and safety of consumers of the service and staff members providing the service
  • aims to remove or reduce the risks to the health, safety and welfare of all staff, contractors and visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by business operations
  • aims to ensure all work activities are carried out safely.


Staff, contractors and visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by AIM Occupational Therapy’s operations


AIM Occupational Therapy’s management and staff are committed to the health, safety and welfare of all staff, contractors and visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by business operations. All work activities will be carried out safely.


  • Updated Police Checks and Working With Children checks will be required of all staff members every 2 years and placed on file. If Management receives a Police Clearance or a Working With Children check that has a record, discretion will be used re: how to proceed and also whether to report to AHPRA.
  • No medication other than Epi Pens that have a signed action plan from the child’s GP will be administered by therapists. Parents are required to provide detailed information re: signs to look for that indicate their child needs the EpiPen. The therapist will contact the child’s caregiver as soon as possible if the signs occur. The therapist has the right to require a parent to stay with the child in their session if they do not feel competent and confident re: what signs to look out for, if a parent is unable to stay, therapist reserves the right to re-schedule the session to a time when the parent is able to attend.
  • All home visits will have a filled in “Home Visit Form” added to the calendar  management software. Any concerns or risks will be reported by the staff member receiving the form as soon as identified to the Clinical Services Manager, if no solution can be made, form will be passed onto Business Manager who will use their discretion re: an action plan. Home Visits are not compulsory, if a therapist feels unsafe carrying out a home visit they are not required to do so. All therapists who are not returning to Wembley or Joondalup premises following a home visit are required to call reception to notify them they are safe.
  • All clients will have completed client information forms with relevant medical history.
  • Staff will be familiar with policies and procedures prior to starting particularly in relation to emergencies.
  • Staff are to always use step ladder for reaching hard to reach items
  • All incidents must be reported. See “Risk Management and Client Accident Incident Reporting and Investigation Including Serious Incident” Policy
  • Always lock doors if alone in the office outside work hours
  • All employees must have an up to date First Aid and Resuscitation Certificate
  • No money other than maximum of $300 in cash box to be left on premises, administration should be banking weekly
  • Disruptive or abusive clients can be asked to leave
  • If unsure of safety do not go into situation, call for help
  • Complaints to be dealt with immediately in accordance with “Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure”
  • If in a group session head counts should be conducted after each activity
  • If a different person comes in to pick up a child ensure the person is authorized to pick the child up and there are no outstanding court orders etc
  • Any staff medication bought into the office must be stored in kitchen at a height out of reach of children
  • Ensure toys and resources are clean. Before use of theraputty children should use hand sanitizer. Equipment used must be well maintained and cleaned
  • Be aware of small objects and choking hazards
  • Socks must be worn whilst on gross motor equipment for hygiene and safety. Shoes must be taken off before using any gym equipment, shoes to be placed in the shoe boxes located in each of the therapy rooms.
  • If food is to be offered to any child, prior approval from parents must be obtained
  • If children are bringing their own food ensure they do not share due to potential allergies
  • Do not lift anything heavy or take down from shelves higher than you, ask for assistance
  • Be aware of hazards and that we have children in our office – keep corridors clear, clean up liquid spills immediately, supervise children in the kitchen area and keep child locks on doors and poisons above counter height
  • First Aid Kits, Ice Packs and Fire Alarms are kept at each premises, if you are unsure where they are located ask the Clinical Services Manager.
  • All staff members to be aware of the evacuation procedure:
    o Evacuation Procedure will be displayed on Wembley and Joondalup front doors
    o The receptionist/Office Administrator will be the acting fire warden in case of emergency
    o The fire extinguishers will have clear signs displayed to show what the possible usages are. It is the fire wardens role to use the fire extinguisher in case of emergency if safe to do so
    o Fire extinguishers will be checked by an external fire company annually and replaced if need be. A report of the site visit will be emailed by the fire company following each check.

Recruitment Procedures

  • CVs collected and a short list to be organised by the CS Manager. “Job Description” example attached
  • Phone Calls are carried out by the CS Manager “Phone interview questions” form will be used
  • Top 3 candidates will be interview by the Business Manager and CS Manager
  • “Interview Questions” form will be utilised during the interview
  • Successful candidate will go through the induction process by the CS Manager
  • Following induction process “Feedback Following Induction” will be completed by staff member
  • Staff member’s Supervision Plan will then be decided upon and scheduled in with the CS Manager

Code of Conduct

AIM Occupational Therapy follows the Occupational Therapy Australia’s Code of Conduct. The focus of this code is on good practice and professional behaviour. It lays out expectations for Professional behaviour, Professional boundaries, Reporting obligations, Health records, Insurance, Advertising, Legal, insurance and other assessments, Reports, certificates and giving evidence, Curriculum vitae, Investigations, Conflicts of interest, Financial and commercial dealings, Practitioner health, Teaching, supervising students and assessing. A copy of the code is available here:

Underpinning this code is the assumption that practitioners will exercise their professional judgement to deliver the best possible outcome for their clients.

National Standards Policy Refers to

  • Standard 1: Rights. Section 2.3 of the code relates to shared decision-making supporting Standard 1: Rights Making decisions about healthcare is the shared responsibility of the treating practitioner and the patient or client who may wish to involve their family, carer/s and/or others. Practitioners have the responsibility to create and foster conditions for this to occur.
  • Standard 4: Feedback and complaints. Section 3.11 of the code relates to complaints and feedback supporting Standard 4: Feedback and Complaints When a complaint is made patients or clients have a right to complain about their care. When a complaint is made or a formal notification is received by a Board the code stipulates what a good practice involves
  • Standard 5: Service Access. Section 3.13 of the code relates to Ending a Professional Relationship supporting Standard 5: Service Access.

The code stipulates good practice and that it involves ensuring that the patient or client is informed adequately of the decision and facilitating arrangements for the continuing care of the patient or client, including passing on relevant clinical information.